Q: Hey Anabolic Sensei how’s it going? I have to say that I really like your page. It is very refreshing to see your take on views on anabolic steroid use, but even more so is your desire to help people especially beginners. My question is why are you helping people?
I see that you are offering a free phone consultation for us Canadians. From what many of the reviews have said that you are giving out tons of great info free of charge. Why would you do that when you can get paid to do these consultations? I just wanted to thank you for what you are doing and please keep up the awesome content.
A: Hey man its good to hear from you. I am happy to hear that you like the content on my page. I will always try and bring you cutting edge info and reveal to you many of the shenanigans that happen in the industry that many of you are totally unaware of. Now you asked me why I am giving out this free info as well as a phone consultation without charging. The reason I like being a coach is because I take pleasure in seeing my athletes become successful. When one of my athletes steps on stage at Nationals and earns their Pro Card it gives me a great sense of joy as if I was on stage as well winning it along with them. So I truly find happiness in helping other succeed at their chosen sport.
Now you asked why am I offering serves for free that I could charge heavily for. Well to be honest I do charge for my services when someone comes to my office and hires me for coaching, or needs a longer consult. Just like everyone else I need to pay the bills. The reason why I am offering these free phone consultations is because I want to give back to not only the sports I love like bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman etc, but also to those looking for guidance in the early stages of their careers or even the early stages of their anabolic journey.

Everyone is Scared to Inject for the Very First Time
That being said, I cannot offer this free service to everybody as my time would be fully booked up. So I am limiting this to the Canadian readers of my page for now. So if you are Canadian and want to start your anabolic journey, What are you waiting for?
When I first started out I had no one to help me along my anabolic adventure and I really wish I did. I didn’t know how to do injections properly and that caused me a lot of stress at the time. Now that I have pinned even my athletes tens of thousands of shots over the last 20 plus years it makes me laugh at how fearful I was to jab myself the very first time.
But at that time in my life if I would have had a guiding hand to teach the proper hygiene and injection protocols, how to avoid scar tissue formation, what gauge and size need to use for different body parts, how to separate water based from oil based compounds, I would have had a much less stressful experience. I know it would have made things way better in so many ways.
Even my first purchase of anabolic steroids was very sketchy. I got some Sustanon’s from a local Pro Bodybuilder. He just gave me the stuff in a bag and said Tootaloo. He didn’t give me any ideas how how much to take weekly, where and how to inject, where I could even find the syringes, and the side effects I should look out for. If this Pro just spent even 15 minutes of his time to put my beginner heart at ease at that time in my life it would have meant the world to me. So I vowed to myself that when I moved up the ranks with my knowledge, gained experience coaching high level athletes, and understood things on a whole other level, that I would give back to those newbies that today are in the same exact spot I was in thirty years ago.
The difference then is there was no internet, very few books available on the topic except for maybe one book by Dan Duchaine, and the info that Pro’s knew back then was a well kept guarded secret. They didn’t want to share their ideas or what they found to work as they kept it hidden just for those in their click to know. This is also the case today as the sport of bodybuilding, physique etc are also very clique and if you don’t fall into that category you can bet your ass they aren’t going to help you. It’s like being in high school and all the people in the Jock and Model click aren’t hanging out with you nor giving you the time of day cause you just don’t fit their criteria.

One of the First Books on Performance Enhancement
This is also the case of finding a good source you can trust. Yea you can look on the internet and find a website but come on folks can you really trust them? You can talk on a forum and sooner or latter a Rep of the board who works for the “Lab” that runs the board will reach out and see if they can pitch you their brand line. Not be forgotten is the “Gym Bro” who walks around the gym trying to sell everyone the shit he is peddling which most of the time is complete garbage.
Watch out for these clowns as they are always heat scores and second they could care less about your real results, they are just trying to offload their shitty under dosed, underground bath tub brew on you. And believe me when they see you are a newbie they see you coming a million miles away and they know they can fuck you over. So having someone you can fully trust when it comes to sourcing quality real gear is harder than you think. Once you do find that amazing link you will hold onto them because they are truly one in a million.
So the reason why I do give away these free consultations to the members of my page is because I want to give back in a way that helps those when they are in the weakest stage of their anabolic journey. Nothing feels better when you are in need of help and someone takes you by the hand and guides you through all your questions and concerns and builds you up for success no matter if you want to compete or not. This industry is very selfish and narcissistic in nature. That is the name of the game and if you have been in it any length of time you will see that I am telling you the truth. The amount of real genuine people in this industry are like find a needle or should I say a syringe in a haystack. So I like to stand out from the crowd of insincere people just looking to screw you over and take advantage of you just because they know they can as you are new to the scene.

Trusting Your Source is Critical to Not get Scammed!
So if any one you are still on the fence about setting up a free consult and getting the first step of this ball rolling don’t be shy. Whats holding you back? Why are you still sitting on the fence? Once you chat with me you will see that you won’t get anything but the best sincere information from me. Once you are part of my inner circle you have someone to look out for you for whatever concerns you have. I won’t be doing this forever so take advantage of this opportunity now. As you can see from the several reviews that are on my page, the ones that had the balls to take the plunge are more than happy they did. Plus I guarantee you will also be just as happy as well!

Reach Out to the Anabolic Sensei I Am Here for You!