Q: I have a question for you that I am hoping you can help me with. I used to gas hard going back 15 plus years and was into the gym quite hard. Then I got married had two kids and life took over. So basically I turned into a fat ass with a dad bod.
I bought clenbuterol way back then from a Vet supplier. It was called Ventipulmin. Are you familiar with this brand? Anyways I recently bought the same thing from a guy at the gym that sells gear and I have to say its nothing like before.
The old one I got years back would cramp me up hard and this one doesn’t at all. Plus the energy feeling is totally different. The older one felt more of a clean energy and now this new one feels almost like I drank too much coffee. I am telling you it feels like caffeine. Plus the taste seems sweeter than I remember.
I was wondering if you think I got a fake here. I feel the energy buzz from it but after three weeks I haven’t lost any weight and my body hasn’t changed at all. Before I would see results after a week of using it and now nothing. Do you think I got a fake?
Let me know Coach what your take is on this.
A: Now from the picture you sent me of the clenbuterol I have major doubts its real. The box looks off to me. The colour is slightly lighter in blue than the original one. Plus the font doesn’t seem to match. Now these are not the only things that make me suspect as there are others points I don’t like.
Now you have to know the history of veterinary drugs in Canada so we need to look at this as well. You see going back to the early 90’s and until about 2005 getting vet grade gear was not that hard at all. This was usually different forms of injectable winstrol, testosterone suspension, EQ, testosterone propionate, and clenbuterol.
At this time period there wasn’t a ton of control of the government and vet governing bodies monitoring things like they do today. Back then many vets would back door these anabolics and fat burners to steroid dealers and it really wasn’t that big of a deal. I remember during that time period the Ventipulmin clenbuterol was the hottest thing since slice bread.
Everyone used it not just bodybuilders. From stripers to soccer moms, everyone was drinking the magic syrup.
Then a few busts happened with veterinarians that got more than a little greedy on distributing them through the back door. You see this form of clen is made for horses and cattle. Now when a vet is ordering hundreds of bottles, it will start raising red flags because they won’t have that many customers with horses who are in need of clenbuterol.
Then things started getting watched heavily so now these corrupt vets couldn’t back door these products any longer without a set of eyes on them. It was worth it to make an extra ten thousand dollars a month flipping clen and gear to bodybuilders, but when the threat of losing their licence was on the line along with jail time most decided it was no longer worth it.

Underground Steroid Labs Want You Uneducated and Vulnerable!
Now what you should know is that finding real Ventipulmin clenbuterol is a very rare find these days. Yes it is still available but not in the quantity that was around in the old days. I can still find it but its not around all the time and when a supplier has it he will only have maybe a case of six pumps and that is it for several months.
One shenanigan that I have seen for over a decade is unscrupulous folks making fake versions of it. I am personally not a fan of vet grade clen but I won’t go into that here as that is an another article. Now what these scammers are doing is copying the boxes and not the best quality counterfeiting job either I must say, and loading it up with something other than clenbuterol.
Now I am aware of the owners of one underground lab that were making these fake clen pumps. They would load it up with glycerin, hence why you are getting a sweet taste, and then simply adding in caffeine powder. Now the amount of caffeine in each dose is not known but it is enough to give you a burst of energy. Caffeine in itself isn’t a great fat burner, but does work better as a stimulant or for mental focus. So when people take it they do feel that rush they associate with clenbuterol, but then weeks in when their body still looks the same they are shaking their heads as of the cause.

Well the cause is you got screwed with a counterfeit. You basically bought glycerin laced caffeine syrup. Yea sorry to break it to you but that is most likely what you got. You see to buy caffeine powder in bulk is very cheap. Then to get boxes made, and a a pump bottle is not hard at all. Then you turn a $20 investment into $450 on the black market selling it to unsuspecting folks who get tricked by some clown looking to take advantage of you.

Why Am I Still Fat After Using this Clen?
So I am sorry to break it to you but I feel you got ripped off my man. Like I mentioned several times in the past and will continue to preach to everyone is that you always have to have trust in your source. You have to find someone that you know you can trust who isn’t going to scam you or rip you off when he has the chance. Especially for those new to the anabolic scene its even more crucial. These scumbags will see that your knowledge is not at a high level and then they pawn off shitty or fake gear to you.
Listen bro, since you are in Canada, if you are in need of a proper source, set yourself up with for a free consult with me an I can give you some guidance.