So for those of you who may not be aware of what Tren Cough is, listen up. Essentially, when some individuals begin injecting Trenbolone, particularly with the Acetate ester, they first experience a metallic taste in their mouths. To give everyone a heads-up who has not experienced this: when you get that taste, it’s time to brace yourself. You might be wondering why I would suggest bracing yourself upon tasting something metallic in your mouth. The reason is that within a few seconds, you will start coughing like never before. This is the infamous Tren Cough that everyone talks about.
What is Tren Cough?
Ok, so you want to know what this is and what causes it? Tren Cough is a severe hacking episode. It’s not a productive cough where you expel mucus like when you are sick. In fact, it is a dry cough, during which many people have a hard time breathing. The good news is that it doesn’t last very long. For most, it lasts between 30-90 seconds. There are exceptions, but that is generally the case. As you can see, it can freak some people out, but since it doesn’t last long, it’s not something to worry about too much.

Love Me some Tren Cough!
Real World Example!
Well, that is unless you don’t know about what Tren Cough is, and then you experience it. One example involves a new client of mine who decided to inject Trenbolone without my knowledge. I love when people try to do something without telling me, and then I find out anyway. So, he injected 2cc of Trenbolone Acetate—no insane dose but still enough (150mg) to feel the effects.
He then started coughing and coughing like he was trying to spit up a lung. The worst thing to do if you ever experience Tren Cough is to panic. This will only exacerbate the experience. This client got the metallic taste in his mouth, then a few seconds later started coughing uncontrollably. Not knowing what to expect from Trenbolone, he panicked because he thought he was dying. His adrenaline kicked in, he was coughing, his heart was pounding, and he thought he was fighting for his life to breathe, which made the entire situation much worse. In reality, he wasn’t fighting for his life at all, but the human brain can play tricks on you, and since this guy was somewhat of a hypochondriac, he thought the end was near.
Instead of calling 911, which would not have been a good idea especially trying to explain that over the phone, he called me. In a panic, he told me over the phone that he was dying. I asked him what he did, and he explained that he just injected 2cc of Trenbolone, got that taste in his mouth, then immediately started coughing. I told him to chill, take some deep breaths, and he would be fine. Within about a minute and a half, everything was fine; he caught his breath and was A-OK.

Coaching Isn’t Easy!
So now you can see some of the insanity that a coach has to deal with on a daily basis in one form or another, eh? Anyway, he was totally fine, and I knew he would be. The big problem was that he panicked and freaked out as if the sky was falling, and with all the doom and gloom he built up in his head, it ultimately made it a horrifying experience. If he would have just ridden it out like a champ, then within seconds everything would have been fine.
One important note: if you get a metallic taste in your mouth as you are injecting, I would pull out the syringe immediately. If you continue injecting, it will make the situation worse, and I have seen this with my own eyes. You can simply change the tip and continue the shot in a different area, so don’t worry, you will not be wasting your gear.
Second, when you get that taste, it’s time to brace yourself for what is coming. The very first thing you will feel is your chest tightening. Don’t panic, as this will happen right before you start coughing away. This is why for someone who doesn’t know what is happening, it will freak out because they will relate it to dying. The cough will start in just a few seconds, so it’s better to sit down and start taking deep breaths through your nose and out your mouth.
By staying calm and focusing on your breathing, I have seen many coughing fits be prevented or greatly minimized by following this tip. The last thing you want to do is start freaking out because you will make the situation much worse than what it really is, and in reality, it’s just a mind game you are pulling on yourself. So stay calm, brace yourself for the cough, and take deep breaths
which in just a few seconds will have you feeling good in no time at all.
Watch Out for Scar Tissue!
Another thing to note that I have witnessed over the years is that more people get the cough when they pin into areas with a high amount of scar tissue. Now, this doesn’t have any scientific backing, but it is something I have observed over the years, and it does correlate. This is why I recommend rotating body parts when pinning and giving the area enough time to heal before hitting it again. Plus, I am a big fan of breaking down scar tissue before it forms and have a protocol for my athletes to minimize this issue.

Exhaling Trenbolone Vapours can Cause Nausea!
Exhaling Trenbolone and Vomiting!
One other thing to consider is that when you are hacking away, you will taste and smell the Trenbolone in your exhalation. This is not the nicest of smells, by the way, so for some, it may make you nauseous. I have seen several people actually full-on vomit after a Tren Cough episode. This could be that they pinned after eating a big meal or simply the taste and smell along with the dry heaving caused them to ultimately blow chunks the way a bulimic supermodel would after going to a buffet.
So I thought you would like that little story as an add-on to your question. Now for what causes Tren Cough, there are a few different theories why this could happen. What you have to realize is that this coughing fit is not just related to Trenbolone. I have seen it happen to several others when pinning Testosterone Cypionate and other compounds as well. The thing is that when it hits with Trenbolone, it does seem to hit harder than with other compounds, so you should take note of that.
Always Aspirate Your Syringe!
This coughing phenomenon is not limited to this one compound, so you should know this. This way, if you do a shot of Testosterone and you start having the above symptoms, you will also be prepared in advance and then can follow the instructions that I put together for you and ride it out like a champ instead of like a little bitch. Now the theory on why this happens with all compounds is due to the Benzyl Alcohol concentration in your product. This solvent is used in steroid injections to help mitigate bacterial overgrowth occurring in your bottle.

Always Aspirate with Every Injection!
Is Benzyl Alcohol the Cause?
Now one thing I have found is that if you inject into a vein or even nick a vein, this is where this drama all occurs. You will know you did this because after you pull out the syringe, you will bleed. Sometimes you will also bruise in the area as well the following day. The majority of times that I have seen these coughing episodes happen is when someone nicks something they shouldn’t, like a vein or blood vessel, and then it is carried to the lungs in a very short period of time, which is mere seconds.
Now this is one reason why you should always aspirate on your plunger syringe before you inject your steroids. This way if the syringe fills with blood, you know you are in a vein. There are times when you go through a vein, and blood may not fill into the syringe because you went in one side and out another. You will still get the coughing effect here, but it will be less severe. You will also bleed a small drop or so once you pull out the syringe, but it won’t be as much as if you put it straight into a vein.
On this same note, I have noticed fewer coughing fits when Trenbolone is injected in the glutes versus the delts and legs. This could be due to the fact that your delts and quads have more veins that you can hit than your glutes. Some believe it hits you harder when you pin your delts simply because it’s so close to your heart and lungs. Whereas when you pin your glutes, it is much further away. Is this true? I don’t think anyone knows, but it does make sense. I have seen someone get the cough pinning their glutes, but it was very minimal when compared to when they get it pinning their delts.

Glute Shots are Less Problematic!
Is the Acetate Ester the Issue?
A third theory is the Acetate ester itself. I have seen some guys have issues with Trenbolone Acetate but when they switch to Trenbolone Enanthate or Parabolan in the off-season, they don’t have any issue whatsoever. This is another angle to consider because it is something I have personally seen many times as well. For anyone that has used both Trenbolone Acetate and Trenbolone Enanthate during different cycles, you all know that Acetate is harsher on your system without a doubt. It hits your system hard and fast whereas the long Enanthate ester
takes time to build in your system. This may be another reason why many notice fewer side effects when using the longer Enanthate ester versus the shorter Acetate ester.
Trenbolone’s Powerful Anti-Catabolic Effect?
A fourth theory that is gaining ground is the fact that Trenbolone heavily suppresses the catabolic hormone Cortisol. On the other hand, Cortisol promotes vasodilation. So many believe that this is why people using Trenbolone have a decrement in their VO2 Max, which anyone that has used it can attest to. Anyone using Trenbolone will notice that they run out of gas fast doing high-intensity cardio or very high rep sets, especially for legs. Now this is not just when you pin it or during the same day but is something that occurs during the entire cycle. This is why many athletes that are endurance-based like Strongman competitors, MMA Fighters, Boxers, etc, don’t like this effect of Trenbolone and stay away from it especially before a competition.

Camel Cigarettes…So Good You’ll Cough Up Blood!
Prostaglandins for the Win?
Some believe that Tren Cough is related to bradykinin and its powerful inflammatory effects that are mediated through prostaglandin. Many prostaglandins are not only inflammatory in nature, but they also can have a vasoconstrictive effect as well. This theory states that the cough occurs when the prostaglandins it creates affect the two oxygenase pathways. When it does this, you get immediate inflammation in the lungs that hits very hard but then at the same time dissipates almost as fast as it came on. This is why most episodes will be over in 30-90 seconds. So when this vasoconstriction of the muscular wall of the bronchus in the lungs occurs, then you start hacking away like Aunt Martha that smokes two packs of Camel cigarettes daily.

Try Not to Vomit like a Little Bitch!
So here you have it, buddy. Now no one really knows 100% what causes Tren Cough. What I did is try and explain some of the theories that some doctors and Olympia level coaches believe could be the reason, along with my personal experiences during my time in the game. The main thing is to be prepared in advance, take the precautions I outlined above, and if it does strike during one of your injections, embrace it and be calm. Don’t start freaking out because you will make something not that horrible into something horrible by letting your mind take over in a negative loop. So don’t be scared, just do your due diligence and take the plunge!