Now, having a ravenous appetite is crucial for gaining substantial muscle. If you can’t consume enough calories to pack on mass, you’ll be out of luck when you step on the scale or look in the mirror hoping for gains. One drug that I recommend to help increase appetite and weight gain is Periactin.
Time to Eat!
For those unfamiliar, Periactin also goes by the drug name Cyproheptadine Hydrochloride. You may have heard of this drug if you suffer from allergies since it is a popular first-generation antihistamine and serotonin antagonist used to treat seasonal allergies.

Periactin is a Secret Appetite Stimulator!
Medical Application
It is FDA-approved for treating anaphylactic reactions caused by allergens, often as an adjunct to injectable epinephrine (adrenaline). What you’ll be most interested in, however, is the serotonin-inhibiting effect of this drug, which causes an increased appetite. Once people discovered this benefit, it led to considerable off-label use as a weight-gain medication, especially popular among patients suffering from lean tissue wasting illnesses like HIV, cancer, and other debilitating diseases.
Periactin is also used occasionally as an adjunct to growth hormone therapy in children, fostering greater nutrient uptake and increases in linear growth beyond what is normally achieved with rHGH alone. Old-school bodybuilders have used the drug to help increase caloric intake, usually during bulking cycles, where increased mass is desired. It is often used in conjunction with different mass-promoting steroids.
Benefits for Bodybuilders
One of the most important features of this compound is that it makes you super hungry. Yes, it will make you want to eat everything in sight and is actually one of the best appetite stimulators available. For you, this would be ideal because you cannot get enough total calories per day to simulate weight gain. In fact, it works so well that many doctors prescribe it for children with feeding difficulties and growth problems, with studies reporting positive results.
The other notable benefit is that, like many other antihistamines, it also helps you gain weight. This is usually a complaint among women who already tend to gain fat easily. But in your case, this side effect is exactly what you want. So not only will you be eating more, which will aid in the weight gain process, but it will also allow you to pack on weight through another mechanism. This is why it is a secret weapon for those very skinny ectomorphs who can’t seem to gain mass.

You Won’t Grow if You Don’t Eat!
Don’t Be a Lazy Fuck!
However, there are some drawbacks to Periactin that you should be aware of. The major one is that it can make you extremely sleepy. I kid you not, this drug will knock you out. So imagine being starving all the time, and when you eat, you get a double whammy of sleepiness—first from eating so much food, and then from the diabetic coma from downing such large amounts of carbs in a single serving.
The drowsiness from Periactin alone will make you want to eat and then sleep all day. This is fantastic if you are a 20-year-old with no job or responsibilities, so you can just train, eat, sleep, and grow like a weed. But for the majority of people who have to work a job and take care of a family, being a lazy fuck all day won’t win you points with your wife or boss. Some find that this sleepiness wears off after a few weeks, but not for everyone.

Squats and Periactin…A Man’s Dream Come True!
Other Off-Label Uses
Periactin is not just for allergies. Yes, bodybuilders using Periactin for mass cycles is an off-label use, but there are several other reasons why people use this compound. Periactin has a cult following among thin women, particularly those in cultures that prefer a more voluptuous figure, who are turning to Periactin to help fill out their curves. This is very popular with African American and Latina women who may be very thin and are looking to change things up with a body type that is fuller and thicker, but not necessarily fat. If you scour the internet, you will find many before and after photos of very thin women praising Periactin for helping transform their stick-like figure into one that could land them a backup dancer role in a Jay-Z video.
It is even made in a syrup specifically for children. It is used for children who have poor appetites and, because of their lack of caloric intake, are terribly underweight. There is a condition known as “Failure to Thrive,” where children are significantly under height and weight for their age category. Periactin is often used for this condition with great success.
In fact, it is often used in adults as well for those dealing with anorexia nervosa. The fact that it can create intense hunger sensations will make anyone want to run to the cupboard and start eating away. Those recovering from this condition find that Periactin helps them put on healthy weight again.

Syrup is Commonly used for Children!
It also works wonders for migraines and cluster headaches, with many positive reviews. Many people who have tried nearly every drug out there without success have found Periactin to be the most effective.
Another off-label use gaining popularity is helping those suffering from erectile dysfunction due to taking SSRI medication. As you probably already know, SSRI drugs can wreak havoc on sexual desire and erection quality in males. Many have found that taking Periactin helps with this issue, so that sporting a nice rock-hard beef hoagie is no longer a problem.
Another benefit is for those suffering from nausea. There is a condition known as Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome that causes sufferers to vomit daily, sometimes several times day in and day out. As you can imagine, this would wreak havoc on your ability to maintain your weight as well as absorb both macro and micro nutrients.
Since it can kickstart your appetite, it is also prescribed by doctors for those cancer patients who are losing weight at a fast rate. Like I mentioned earlier, it can also help with nausea, which is another problem many undergoing chemotherapy have to deal with. So with it helping increase appetite, improving weight gain, and eliminating nausea, Periactin is a fantastic drug for many cancer patients.

Periactin Before and After…Thicker than a Snicker!
Side Effects
Now I mentioned them briefly earlier, but I’ll touch on them again. The first one is that it can make you drowsy and tired. For those of you taking it before bedtime who may have a sleeping problem like insomnia, this side effect may do you a ton of good.
But for those of you who take it earlier in the day, you may find it a bit hard to get through the sluggish feelings, especially during its initial use. It will allow for bodybuilders to sleep better through the night but can also help those looking to get in a nap right after their workout, which in my opinion is one of the best times to get in that little siesta for growth and recovery purposes.
The other thing to note is that it is a powerful serotonin antagonist. This means that it can reduce the production of serotonin that your body makes. Now for some, this can make you feel blah all the time. Now personally, with all my athletes that I have used it with, I have never seen this before at all. I have read reports on this from different users and noticed that if the person has PTSD or other underlying mental issues, it can bring them out more.
Cycle Length and Dosing
When it comes to the length of time that I have my athletes use it, I have two different ways that I like best. If someone is doing a 16-week mass cycle, I like to do 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off. This way, you will have two periods where you will really see the benefits it has to offer. If someone is doing a longer cycle, like 20-24 weeks for their mass phase, then I will do 8 weeks on, 4 weeks off, then 8 weeks on once again. I usually don’t use this drug for more than 8 weeks max at a time, followed by at least a break for 4 weeks.
Now, there are a few ways to best dose this drug for maximum benefit. If you can deal with the lethargy, then it would be best to take it several times per day. I would recommend using 4-6mg three times daily. Since most tablets come in 4mg strength, this makes breaking this dosing down quite easy. You could take your first dose first thing in the morning to get your appetite stoked from the start. Then you can take your second dose mid-afternoon. Then you can take your third and last dose an hour or so before bedtime to help knock you out for a good night’s sleep.
Best Way to Use Periactin If Lethargy is an Issue?
One way to combat the drowsiness is to take your dosing of Periactin later in the day. If you train right after work, then I would start your first dose upon completion of your workout. This way, after you have your protein shake and get ready for your drive home, it will start kicking in. This will make you ravenous for your next meal and will help you relax nicely before going to bed and going into a deep anabolic growth sleep. This will keep your appetite stoked for the remaining hours before going to sleep, helping you to pack in enough calories to elicit some serious growth while you are in dreamland.

Omndaren and Periactin for the Win!
Cycling Information
Now, since we will only be using Periactin during our mass cycles, then we have to stick with tried and true muscle builders that will cause the most growth in the shortest period of time. Since many of those looking to use this compound are ectomorphs, we need to start this party right with a good testosterone base that will pack on size. I like to personally use this with Omnadren or Sustanon during a bulk.
When looking for an add-on injectable, I have found that Deca and EQ also work very nicely together. Don’t forget the EQ will also help ramp up the appetite as well. When it comes to orals, I would go with Dianabol, Anadrol, Methyl-1-Testosterone, and Turinabol. While some orals like Anadrol can reduce your appetite, Periactin can reverse this issue to keep you hungry like a wolf! For those advanced bodybuilders, Periactin is also used with different forms of insulin to help shuttle all the nutrients that you have been inhaling into muscle cells at an accelerated rate.
So here you have it, folks. I wanted to give you some good information on Periactin and how I implement it in the cycles of my athletes. As you can see, there are numerous positive benefits for different health conditions for both children and adults. Of course, just leave it to bodybuilders to always look for another way to optimize their performance, even if it’s to increase their appetites so they can get in those six meals every day. If you decide to try Periactin, let me know how your results are.