Q: Hey Sensei, I got a question for you. I bought this Growth Hormone kit from my source that I sent you a picture of and was wondering if you heard of it before? I have been using it for a few weeks and I am feeling absolutely nothing. No tingling in the hands, no improved sleep quality, and my joints still feel like a decrepit old man. So this makes me think that I got scammed.
I have included some pictures for you to see. Please let me know if you think its real or fake. My gut is telling me its bunk but I really want to know your thoughts on this. I paid $500 for it so I thought I got a good deal but now I think I got screwed.
By the way I want to set up a free consultation with you to discuss my upcoming cycle as well as sourcing out what I need. Can you help me get what I need? If I did get scammed I will not be going back to my old source ever again. Can you help a brother out?
A: Hey man it’s good to hear from you. Now when it comes to Growth Hormone your best bet is always getting it from a Pharmacy. But good luck walking into your doctors office and asking for a script for Serostim because you want to pack on muscle. Now if you were a dwarf or have AIDS then you might be able to pull it off. But if those two are not your current state, then most likely he will just laugh in your face.
So looking over what you sent me I have to say sorry little buddy you just got fucked. Your GH is not real. Now if you were feeling even something slightly I could say that you got a Chinese generic relabelled as a legit American Pharma GH. Or if you even got hungrier it might be a peptide. But I don’t think you got anything my friend. I have even seen glucosamine injectable vials that look very similar to GH vials so who knows what the hell you got.

Is My GH Kit Fake…Yes It Is!
Plus Saizen is made by the Serono company and is very expensive. The fact that you got it at less than one third the value means you most likely dealt with a scumbag counterfeiter that has no scruples whatsoever. Sorry to break it to you my friend but you just threw your money out the window.
Now when it comes to counterfeiting GH there are many different shenanigans that dirtbag dealers will do to rip you off. Steroid dealers who rip off their clients selling them fake gear, mislabelled product, or under-dosed shit get no respect from me. There are a ton of scammers out there so you really need to trust your source. I know I have said this many times already, its because the take home point is don’t get scammed. Now when it comes to Growth Hormone the price tag is much higher than buying a bottle of Testosterone so when you get screwed it hurts that much more.
Just so you know that in my opinion, I would say that 98% of the Growth Hormone on the Canadian market is fake. Yea that is right my friends. You may think your source is solid, but if you have a real professional coach look over your stuff, most would be bogus at best. Now I am going to explain the pitfalls that many fall for so listen up.
First you have to look at the price of real pharmacy GH. Now some can range from $11-$12 and all the way over $20 per IU (International Unit). Yes that is per IU folks so take note on this. So if you are getting a 100 IU GH kit, it could run you on the low end of things $1100 all the way to over $2000 per kit. Now if it is a time released pen version of GH you will be paying the higher end of the above.

Sorry Bro Your You Got Screwed
Now what really bothers me is many of the uneducated people want to dine on champagne and yet only have a beer budget. Everyone wants to drive a Lambo but yet their wallet say Honda Civic from 2005. So if this is you then forget about GH until your situation changes. Stop bullshitting yourself thinking you can have it all when the reality is that you would be better off using your money for steroids and food than trying to buy cheap GH hoping and dreaming that you didn’t piss away your hard earned money.
So what do we see in the blackmarket when it comes to GH? Well how many times have you seen guys selling kits for $400-$500 for 100 IU? I have seen this thousands of times and you know what? Yea they were all fake kits. You have to realize that your source needs to make his cut, so then how are you getting real GH at this price? Unless a friend of yours just robbed a pharmacy and he was trying to off load the hot merchandise fast, you will never find real GH at that price point. Stop falling for these scams friends as you are just wasting your money.
So you might be wondering how are some of the different ways scumbag steroid dealers and websites are scamming their unsuspecting clients? Trends change all the time in the counterfeit market so I will help enlighten you with some of the things that I have seen over the last 20 plus years in the game.
Now the first technique I will discuss is from the early 90’s all the way up until about 2005. Some years ago many scumbag counterfeit dealers would actually use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the place of real GH. They would relabel and box this HCG and market it to unsuspecting clients as real Growth Hormone.
This is due to the fact that they both (GH and HCG) come in a puck formation in a small glass vial. You see twenty-plus years ago HCG used to be very cheap, while GH was very expensive. This is why back then the best way to see if your GH was real was to mix up your vial and squirt it on a pregnancy test. If it came up positive then you know you got duped and your dealer gave you HCG and not Growth Hormone. If you thought a positive pregnancy test from your girlfriend pissed you off, imagine paying out a G-Note and finding out you got nothing but HCG instead.

Using HCG was the Original Growth Hormone Scam!
Now in recent years, the price of HCG has skyrocketed so counterfeiters have stopped using this method due to the fact that it would cost them way too much to make this fake GH kit and they have searched out and found a cheaper alternative to screw over their customers. You have to love how counterfeiters can roll with the times and start new shenanigans to keep fooling newbies year after year.
Now after some of the major busts that took place in the early 2000’s when the DEA raided real labs and companies in both Mexico and Thailand, things started to change. The HCG scam was played out for a long time so now it was time to change things up. With the influx of contaminated Chinese raws making their way into the steroid blackmarket scene, they also started producing generic GH as well.
Now most at this time was generic Chinese GH with a 192 amino acid sequence. This is not what you want as the proper form is a 191 amino acid sequence. There are many reasons for this and its an article in itself so I will just leave that here for now. Basically this is a lower grade and quality. So three things aren’t so good with this picture. One its from China, second its generic, third its 192 amino acid sequence. Not what you are looking for if you care about your long term health as well as quality gains from your product.
So during this time many counterfeiters would take these generic Chinese GH vials and try and produce boxes and labels that were copies of real Pharma GH from North America and Europe. So now you would have these cheap Chinese kits floating around in huge numbers that would look like high end GH from the United States or Germany. I would see these fake kits look like they are worth $1500 each but then would sell retail for $350.

China Pumping Out Generic GH in Abundance!
Come on folks use your brains. How could your source give you something worth $1500 and you only pay $350 and that is with his mark up as well? Its nice to think that your plug is so kind and generous but let’s get real here for a bit. If someone offered to give you a Ferrari valued at $500,000 for $20,000 wouldn’t you think something is up? Wouldn’t that throw up some red flags in your brain? So then why doesn’t it do the same thing when your dealer does that to you?
Now for the last three years China has slowed down shipping their raws for Steroids, GH, SARMS, and even dick drugs like Viagra and Cialis. President Trump was on their ball sacks for the Fentanyl and while he was at it he also reamed them for all the fake GH and steroids as well pouring into the country. You better believe pharmaceutical companies in the US that make real GH aren’t too happy with the Chinese cutting into their business. Just like those same US pharma companies producing opiate compounds in huge amounts also aren’t a fan of having the Chinese selling their Fentanyl taking a bite out of their opiate market as well. Don’t forget that Pharmaceutical companies are just legal drug dealers so get that in your head. If you think that these big companies don’t have ways and the manpower to backdoor tons of extra product to the streets then you are living in a fairytale world my friend.
So now over the last few years that the flood of generic Chinese GH is not as rampant as it once was, the counterfeiters had to come up with another plan to keep fucking over those not educated enough to know. In my professional opinion I would say for the majority of people looking to buy GH on the blackmarket, 99% of the population don’t have a clue. Only those that have been in the game for decades and know the street science of the anabolic game can figure out if things are legit or fake. Remember some of these counterfeiters are very good at making fake packaging, so you must have a good eye to differentiate any discrepancies.
The last scam is to use different peptides to replace the HCG and generic Chinese Growth Hormone in counterfeited GH kits. There are a couple of reasons for this. First off peptides even in America are currently legal making them not an issue getting your hands on them and worrying about legal ramifications. Second dealers want to move lots of kits because the more you sell, the more money you make right? Well getting peptides in large amounts is easy as well. But getting your hands on large amounts of GH is another story.
If your dealer lets you know he just got in a bunch of GH kits it should raise a red flag. Unless he just robbed a pharmaceutical plant that produces GH then most likely he is distributing fake bullshit product. Getting your hands on American or European pharma grade GH is not an easy task so anyone that acts like they can get as many as you want is giving you a line of bullshit. The most popular peptide they will give you in those fake GH kits more times than not is GHRP-6.
Now for those of you who are not familiar with peptides, GHRP-6 is an injectable in the category of Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides. Their purpose is to cause the body to release more natural Growth Hormone. GHRP-6 can help increase both GH and IGF-1 levels as well. It is also known to help increase your appetite and heal injuries especially those of an inflammatory or chronic in nature. This makes it ideal to counterfeit fake GH kits with GHRP-6 for the following reasons. First, the vials look very similar especially when it comes to Chinese GH kits.

Looks Like GH But In Reality is GHRP-6 Peptide
Second, it does help you release natural GH production so you will see some of the fat-burning effects associated with real GH but in reality, it’s still not close to what the real stuff does. It can help heal injuries which is another trait of real GH as well. Lastly, GHRP-6 is currently in a grey area in regards to the law with many peptide sites popping up all the time on the internet looking to make a fast buck. Most guys will send this right to their house and not have to worry about the DEA smashing down their door at least in the current time of writing this. While sending GH to your home from overseas will have a SWAT team throwing you to the ground with the same ferocity that they do with child rapists and crack dealers. Got to love the Freedom in America eh?
Plus the availability of GHRP-6 is never-ending. You could order enough vials to make 100 GH kits and in three days it’s at your door. Then you go to “Mr. Print” down the road and have him make you the boxes and labels. It is so simple now to make these fake kits you could master it and have them in gyms in your city in under a week’s time even for an uneducated moron. This is why GHRP-6 has been a counterfeiter’s dream and that is why you must watch your back from these douche bags looking to screw you.

How Good is Your Eye in Detecting Fakes?
So as you can see counterfeiters are always looking for ways to cheat you out of your hard earned dollars. These are just a few of the ways they have evolved their business over the years. You see what I am telling you here is something no one else will do. I know I will be upsetting many of these scammers because cheating you is how they survive. By selling you a dream and playing into their hands is exactly what they want you to do. That’s why they don’t appreciate a real Coach who is looking out for you, especially the newbies to PED’s. So I have said it before and I will say it again, you have to truly trust your source because otherwise you will get screwed over badly just like you did with this fake GH kit!