Q: So Anabolic Sensei I am so happy that I found your Reddit page. You have some great info on here that seems much better than some of the other “gurus” I have listened too. I’ll be honest I haven’t called you yet to set up a free consultation ( I guess I need to grow some balls) but I promise I will very soon as I would love to pick your brain. I have one question for you about your favourite anadrol brands. What would you say were the best Anadrol you have ever used?
A: Hey man it’s good to hear from you. Thanks for the kind words about my page. I try my best to help everyone out who is sincere about starting their anabolic journey.
Now when it comes to Anadrol it is one of my favourite drugs for sheer mass and power. Nothing kicks strength and mass gains in like adding Anadrol to your stack that is for sure. One thing I like about this drug is that it seems to keep working and improving especially in the strength arena the more you take.
Now you might be thinking isn’t that the case with all steroids? The answer is no. Some drugs you will take a certain dose and when you take more it doesn’t add anything extra to your strength or physique, just more side effects. But with Anadrol this isn’t what happens and this is why the more you take, the gains just keep ramping as long as you can handle the side effects.
Now you might be thinking that I am advocating large doses of this drug but I am not because even a small amount will produce some amazing results its just that I am letting you know more about how this compound works along with what really goes on behind the scenes especially in the higher level amateur and professional level of not just bodybuilding but all sports including powerlifting, strongman, arm wrestling, MMA, wrestling and more.

Powerlifters Love Anadrol for Crazy Strength Gains!
Now I know this isn’t a profile report about Anadrol and all it does so I will get to your question at hand. I have used many different brands of Anadrol over the years from several different countries both pharma grade and UG. What is funny is that even with pharma grade products from not only certain countries but even the same manufacturer things can vary.
So one pharmaceutical company might make amazing Winstrol but then their Anadrol was not up to snuff. It sounds weird but this is the case and many of you veterans can attest to this if you have been in the scene for a couple decades have have experimented with numerous compounds from different parts of the world.
Now I have two favourite Anadrol brands and I posted the first one in the picture above. This Anadrol is made by a company called Abdi Ibrahim in Turkey and is known as Anapolon. This is without a doubt the best tablet form of Anadrol bar none. Not only do the Turks make some great Swarma and Kenaf but they sure know how to really make some amazing anabolic steroids as well.
Now these were much heavily available about 20 years ago in Canada, but finding them now is very rare. Since customs scans and x-rays every package coming into the country the easy days of smuggling steroids in is a thing of the past. You might find these if your source is a true wizard (that is if they are real and not counterfeit) but you will not see them around in abundance that is for sure. So even as amazing as they are you will have a real hard time finding these.

Turkish Anapolon are Truly Amazing Anadrol!
Plus if you did ever land these bad boys you will be paying out your ass for them big time. Any dealer that has his hands on them will not want to part with them and if he does he will not give them away cheap. Yea these Anadrol are that good believe me.
The other brand of Anadrol that I love as well is the liquid oral Anadrol made by MesoDyne out of Australia. They have been around since 2001 and I have personally used their products with my athletes since 2003. This is a legit lab that was around on the early 2000’s in Mexico at the same time of Quality Vet, Denkal, Pet Pharma, Brovell and all the other Aussie and European labs that operated under the legal radar in Mexico until the DEA went in and raided everyone.
Most of these legit companies were shut down after this major DEA operation but Mesodyne left the area before the raids along with a couple other labs when they felt that an imminent raid was coming and they were correct. This is a long interesting story believe me but I will save it for another time.
For those of you who have read the Anabolics manual by William Lewellyn you have for sure seen the MesoDyne products in there. In fact they have been in every issue of this bible of steroid information since 2004. So if you have a copy look it up and you will find more than 20 pictures of their different products.

MesoDyne’s Amazing Line Up is Featured in this Expert Guide!
Now you might be thinking that a liquid format is weird but in reality the science behind it is legit. Now for those of you who don’t know this you lose about 20-25% of your anabolic dosage in your stomach acid upon digestion making it useless. So that means if you take 100mg of Anadrol you might only be absorbing 75mg. Yea that sucks and MesoDyne wanted a way around this. They use a medicinal transport carrier used in numerous pharmaceuticals that helps increase the bioavailability so that you absorb 100% of the dose. Its used sublingually and then swallowed after 90 seconds.
For any of you who have used MesoDyne’s Anadrol you can attest to the fact that it does kick hard. In fact you can take it prior to your workout and it will ramp you up way more than any tablet will. Its not that its stronger as 50mg of real Anadrol is the same as 50mg of real Anadrol but how much you absorb is the ticket to your optimal growth and gains.

Reach Out to the Anabolic Sensei, You Will Be Glad You Did!
Compare it to protein to make it simple. You can eat 400 grams of protein but if you aren’t properly digesting and absorbing it then you truly aren’t taking advantage of what it has to offer. The same thing goes for your anabolics especially your orals. I am sorry but I don’t have a picture of the Mesodyne one to show you yet, but as soon as I have one on hand I will post a pic for you to see.
So here you have it. These are my two personal favourite brands of Anadrol. I hope that I covered a little bit of info about each of the companies as well as some behind the scenes info that many who are just getting into the industry may not be aware of.