So you are a skinny guy looking to get jacked eh? I am goning to share with you one of my secrets that will for sure help pack on size.
Now with small structure we need to stimulate growth from some old school ideas that many don’t do today. Now don’t get me wrong I am all about the science that has us evaluating rep ranges and tempos and other techniques to help us get big. But you have to realize that many of the old school tips and tricks didn’t have the science to back it up simply because there were no studies being done on these things back then.
But the reality is that many of them are better than some of the new stuff coming out today. I like to analyze studies but if it looks good on paper but provides shitty results in the real world then it doesn’t interest me because its not going to help my athletes improve.
Now one old school technique I still use with my athletes is the high rep squat and pull over superset. Now I am sure many of you reading this have never done it before. Yea its not cool like using bands and chains, nor is it glamorous like blood flow restricted training and other new phenomenons. Plus its horribly painful and nauseating at the same time.
Now that one fact that I just mentioned is the main reason why most people don’t do it. Most people now don’t like to train like we did in the old days. I know I sound like an old grandpa here telling you how hard we had it but its the truth. Most youngsters in their twenties don’t train like bodybuilders did in the 80’s and 90’s that is for sure. Society has created a generation of weak people both mentally and physically that would rather play video games and watch porn than do anything physical except maybe for pounding their meat.
So let’s get to the meat (no pun intended) and potatoes of this program. So the goal here is to perform a set of squats ass to grass deep. No half squats or other shenanigans I see at the gym. Lower the weight and do the exercise properly instead of loading three plates per side only to barely bend your knees. So I want these squats so deep you get splinters in your ass.

Tom Platz Performing High Rep Squats!
Now that we clarified that lets get to the reps. Now many will say that you need to take a weight that you can get ten reps with and do twenty. Now if you train like a pussy with no intensity then yes most will be able to turn that ten reps in to twenty. But if you are someone that does a balls to the walls set of ten in the squat, you won’t be able to magically turn it into twenty no matter how hard you try. You may get a few more reps but no way all the way to twenty for multiple sets.
So you will need to find a weight allows you to get a full twenty reps ass to the grass deep for 8 sets. Yes you heard that correct my friend. It will take a couple workouts to find out what weight is best for you so be patient. For most of you it will be a humbling experience if you follow what I tell you, but the good part of listening to me is that you will start seeing some real results.
Now these squats are known as breathing squats because you will bang out the first ten not so bad but after that each and every rep will be a gut buster. When performed correctly it will have you breathing like a freight train and drain every atom of energy from your body. This is one of the hardest workouts you will ever perform and if it isn’t then you are not doing it correctly.
Now when the treacherous set of 20 rep squats is done don’t start patting yourself on the back just yet. Its time to do a set of 20 reps on the dumbbell pullover. Before you start you will be breathing like you just ran the 100 meter dash against Ben Johnson, so now its time to stretch out that rib cage and shoulder girdle. This will help to build your chest and back along with stretching the cartilage in your ribs. If you noticed some of the old school bodybuilders they had massive rib cages compared to todays line up and that is because they were big believers in pullovers. If you are younger it will cause your cartilage stretch and will created a larger permanent ribcage. Even if you are older you will see a prominent change but not so dramatic.

So you will be doing eight supersets for this entire workout. Thats it folks. Now you might be thinking this is easy and on paper it looks like a joke. But when I put one of my athletes through this program they can barely walk out of the gym and most of them are lying on the floor in a pool of their own sweat and many times vomit as well. If you can complete these supersets with the proper intensity, it will provide more full body growth than anything else.
I would keep the rest periods 3 minutes. Now for a coach like me that is a lot of time between sets but you will need every second to catch your breath and recover before the next set of torture resumes. If you are not in the best of shape you can push it to 5 minutes max, but I still like you to perform it a bit faster if possible.
Now for some of you I would actually start with 5 supersets for some of your first workouts trying this technique. I know this isn’t a ton of volume but you have to understand that the sheer intensity of this program will really tax your Central Nervous System (CNS) beyond what you will understand. That is until you give it a shot.
I have included a video of one of my favourite strength coaches Dr. Ken Lesitner. Here he completes a set of 20 rep breathing squats with the proper intensity you are looking for. Here he does 407 pounds for like 23 reps. He is 53 years old in this video so you being half his age better be able to man up like a champ. Now look at this set then look at what you are currently doing. Does it look the same or are you training like a puss?

Pullovers Expand Your Ribcage Like No Other!
You should also take the day following this off from training. You will need to recover and when done right you will be begging for a rest day. Next keep your workouts at no more than four days per week. This workout will drain your recovery. If you are not recovering properly you will not grow so sometimes less is more.
Now I will go over your diet more when we get on our consultation call but one technique that I did when I was younger and works is whole milk. I know most guys won’t do this today as many feel its dated and with whey protein many find it not necessary. My thoughts are if you are young, can digest dairy without issues, and you are a hardgainer, then its a must.
Start with half gallon daily on top of all your meals. Sip on it throughout the day and get it all in. Once you get used to it then up it to one gallon or four litres. I used to do this as a teenager and it would drive my father nuts. Having 7 gallons of milk in the fridge took up so much space and irritated him to no end.
So here you have it folks. High rep breathing squats supersetted with pullovers is your ticket to old school growth. Don’t forget the whole milk as well. If you do this for even two months you will see a huge difference. I have seen natural lifters gain 15-20 pounds of solid tissue in 8 weeks This is one technique that even natural guys can use to help pack on size. But when doing this on cycle, oh boy you better get ready to bust at the seams cause you will grow like a weed. So get in the gym, bust your ass, and get in that milk. Its time to grow so go get it done!