Here are some recipes that I put together for a few of my clients that will definitely help you to build some mass. I agree with you that many of the weight gainer powders on the market are made with inferior ingredients hence the cheap price. Young teenagers are suckers for this type of marketing as thy fall for it all the time. Nothing says satisfaction for a 16 year old kid to get a 15 pound bag of Mega Bullshit hoping that it will help his skinny ass put on some weight. But when you look at the ingredients its all budget filler that wouldn’t be acceptable in dog food let alone for humans. So let’s see what I have in store for you!
- 3 Oranges
- 3 Tbsp. Manuka Honey
- 2 scoops of Vanilla Whey Isolate
- 1 cup Vanilla Almond Milk
- 1 cup Ice Cubes
- Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
Nutrient Breakdown
Calories 680
Protein 52 grams
Carbohydrates 107 grams
Fat 4 grams
This is one of my favourite post-workout shakes of all time. The way the oranges and honey come together is simply amazing. It provides you with a nice insulin spike to help shut down that Cortisol release dead in its tracks all the while helping to replace lost muscle glycogen from that intense workout you just had. It has enough protein to kickstart some muscle growth and start the healing process from all the damage you inflicted on those poor muscle fibres. You may be wondering why I add some pink salt to all my recipes. The reason is twofold. First off after a tough training session, you are depleting minerals and electrolytes especially if you are training in the heat. Pink salt will help replace what you have lost in sweat. Second many people don’t know this but salt brings out the sweet flavors much better. Yep, it’s true. By adding a little salt to something you are trying to sweeten, it will dramatically help bring it all together. Lastly, sodium is essential for nutrient absorption in the small intestine and then again in the kidney for reabsorption. It is also critical for not only nutrient uptake, but also for increased blood volume for muscle cell hypertrophy.
Now, this is one amazing post-workout shake that will hit the spot especially right after a tough session on a hot summer day. That pineapple will give it just the right amount of zing to help bounce off the strawberry and bananas. You may be wondering why I put honey in my post-workout shakes and for good reason. Honey has many different medicinal properties on so many levels. It’s not just the simple sugars that can help in post-workout recovery. Honey especially high-grade Manuka honey posses not only anti-bacterial benefits but also anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well. This will help with reducing muscle soreness and joint inflammation. It also plays a positive role in digestive health among many other of its benefits.
- 1 cup of Organic Strawberries
- 2 Bananas
- 1 Cup Fresh Pineapple
- 3 Tbsp Manuka Honey
- 2 scoops of Vanilla Whey Isolate
- 1 cup Vanilla Almond Milk
- 1 cup Ice Cubes
- Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 790
Protein: 55 grams
Carbohydrates: 117 grams
Fat: 3 grams

Absolutely Delicious Muscle Building Masterpiece!
Now if your a fan of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal or love French Toast then this is the post-workout protein shake just for you. This mix of whey isolate and oats will provide you a nice base of protein and carbs to help start refueling you for your next workout fast. With just enough real maple syrup and cinnamon, your taste buds will be loving this one that is for sure. While large flake or rolled oats do provide a slower release of carbs to your system, the fact that you are blending them after its cooked will cause you to absorb them much faster. This is something that you want right after a workout as it is ideal at this time. Other times of the day it would be better to eat your oats for a slower pulsing of the carbs into your system. If you have never tried this combination then get at it because you will be wondering why the hell you haven’t done this before.

You are Going to Love this Mass Gainer!
Mouth-Watering Maple Cinnamon Madness
- 2 scoops of Vanilla Whey Isolate
- 1 cup of cooked Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
- 1/2 Tsp. Cinnamon
- 1/2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
- 1/8 cup Maple Syrup
- 2 cups Vanilla Almond Milk
- Pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt
Nutrient Breakdown
Calories: 620
Protein: 52 grams
Carbohydrates:95 grams
Fat: 2 grams
So here you have it. Three of the tastiest post-workout high-calorie mass shakes to help pack on muscle and help you recover from your balls to the wall training sessions. Give them all a try and let me know which one you liked best. If you find yourself trying to gain weight with no luck, give these recipes a try and I am sure you will be pleased with the results. One thing is for sure, building muscle never tasted this good before. Now get your blender out and give these ingredients a whirl for some post-workout pleasure.