Boy do I have a good story for you on this. You are going to love this drama so listen up. So this goes back to around 2011 so well over a decade ago. I had a client come in that was sent to me by a referral. So in comes in this big guy maybe 6 foot 4 and at least 280 pounds. Just by looking at him I knew he had an athletic background and football player was first thing to come to mind. So he came in asking me my rates, what I can offer in terms of training and nutritional services etc. So he stayed about an hour telling me about his past career in the CFL ( I was right on the money) and we hit it off right away. His name was Johnny and he had one crazy sense of humour. He was pretty cool and sometimes when I meet people we just click. So by the end of the meeting he asked me if I wanted to go grab some dinner after work. Now I usually don’t do this with clients I just met, but I was like sure let’s do it.

I Have Pro Level Competitors in All Divisions
So I met him at the Kelsey’s and when I got seated at the table there was another guy sitting with him. Now this guy looked like a huge Samoan type fella and had to been around 400 pounds. The thing is he was not a fat fuck at all. Had to been at least the same height as Johnny but just massive like a strongman competitor. One thing that I noticed right away was his full neck was tatted. But what didn’t slip my eyes is that the neck tats were covering a large scar that went from one side to the other. If I was to guess it looks like someone tried to slit his throat but maybe didn’t get so lucky. From the size of him I am sure whatever happened to whoever did this to him didn’t end well. Did I forget to mention that half of one side of his face was tatted up too? This struck me as something might not be right so I stayed cautious cause you never know what could be up someones sleeve.

Johnny Played in the CFL But Injuries Sidelined Him
Anyways we ate a nice steak dinner with all the toppings all the while talking about everything from training to sports to women. Then Johnny asked if we wanted to go to a strip club. To be honest I really don’t frequent these type of establishments anymore as they always seem to draw trouble and bullshit. I was reluctant but agreed to go.
So we walked into the club and we were seated by the staff as if we some type of celebrity which I found really weird. Then once we sat down at least six yes I said six of the best girls in the club pulled up chairs at our table. So I though ok these girls are looking for us to buy some dances from them so they can make some quick cash. But no they didn’t ask for any dances and instead were good friends with Johnny. They sat and drank with them all the while I was sipping on a Perrier as I don’t drink alcohol. He kept telling all the girls how I am a contest prep coach and I get girls in great shape doing competitions. It was like it was an instant turn on for these girls I don’t know why. They seamed all excited to know more out what I did and how I got the girls in great shape. Most strippers could care less about being in shape because coking and boozing is more their jam than taking steroids and being an athlete. So I found this all a bit odd.
So I look over and I see Johny give a head nod to the girl next to me discretely. Seconds later she whispers in my ear and asks if I would like it if she would suck my dick in the champagne room. I was a bit in shock cause the last time I was at a strip club I was in high school and you couldn’t even touch a girl without the bouncer giving you a smack and throwing you outside on your ass. I was like no I am ok thanks for the offer. She looked offended that I refused her as most men would have jumped on that offer without thinking twice cause she was a hottie.

Saying No to Johnny’s Girls Offer was No Easy Task
But one rule that I have followed since I started coaching and still remains is that I never mix business with pleasure because it will always blow up in your face when you least expect it. I see it all the time with prep coaches sleeping with their Bikini competitors and then things go sour and they blab all over social media what a dog you are. In my career I have seen this more times than I can count and it just ruins the reputation of the coach. A wise man once said don’t shit where you eat and that is something I stick to.
Johnny then says hey man let’s go to another club. I was thinking this guy wants to hit another strip club? This seemed a bit odd but I was like ok sure. So off we go to another club. Now in the second club we get the same service like we are some type of VIP. I am starting to feel something is off as once again at least 8 girls come and sit with us this time. In fact other patrons at the club were looking annoyed at the fact that the best girls all were with us. They hung out with us, drank, and had fun with us not like we were customers but friends. This seemed really weird. So after an hour of them hanging out Johnny told them to get to work. So as I was sitting there with Johnny and the massive Samoan named Eduardo, he let the cat out of the bag.
What he revealed to me was that all those pretty ladies that were hanging out with us like we were rock stars were in fact “his” girls. Yea not his girlfriends either. Johnny ran a high end escort agency and Eduardo was his muscle and protection for the girls. Now this was all making sense. I felt like I was going to be on Candid Camera or Punk’d at this point and have a TV crew come out and tell me it was all a gag. But it wasn’t. Johnny told me that he wanted to hire me full time to train and coach all his girls so that they would all look like my pro Bikini competitors.
This is why he took me out to meet a bunch of them and then had one of them offer me the extra service that I refused. He told me that he had at least 30 girls working for him that he wanted me to coach. Plus he mentioned that he had new girls all the time coming in from Montreal, Niagara Falls, Vancouver, and other cities. He let me know that he ran this high end escort business for the last ten years and had a really good clientele of businessmen, gangsters, and politicians that paid him nicely for his services.

Johnny had All Hottest Girls in the Club Working for Him!
Liked I mentioned before the girls that I met all looked super hot but their physiques were not truly there, at least not like a high level Bikini competitor. But this is where I would work my magic and transform them in record time which I did. At this point I already was busy enough with my clientele, so taking on another 30 girls minimum I knew would be exhausting. I let Johnny know that but he kept insisting that I take on his girls and he was willing to pay me a rate higher than what I already asked for my competitors. In fact he was no cheap skate at all. I ended up getting close to double the amount I regularly charge for training and coaching them so how could I refuse?
I ended up consulting with all his girls one by one. It was no different than what I do with my competitors. We went over the forms I have everyone fill out, did the before pictures, analyzed their DEXA scan results, food journals, blood work, and more. In fact Johnny was there with each and every consultation because he clearly had a vision how each of the girls should look and pointed out on each of them what needed to be improved. This was an interesting week that is for sure. Once all the preliminaries were taken care of including getting a nice bundle of cash for my first month’s salary, it was now time to transform these lovely ladies.
Most of the girls I trained 4 days per week but due to the sheer volume of them, there were 2-3 girls in each session. This way I wouldn’t be working 18 hours a day trying to take care of all of Johnny’s ladies along with my busy contest prep schedule. Let’s just say that after 12 weeks of working with me Johnny was very impressed. The new DEXA scan results along with the after photos really hit home with Johnny. He wanted kick ass results and I for sure made them happen in record time. In fact many of them looked so amazing several of them decided to become my athletes as well and started competing.
You are probably wondering what the Anabolic Sensei gave these ladies to help them with their transformation journey? They weren’t looking to get jacked like a bodybuilder but wanted the pro bikini look. I really didn’t give them much to be honest when it came to the enhancement side of things. I am a master technician when it comes to the nutrition and training end of things so I just implemented a small amount of Anavar and Clenbuterol. For some of the girls who were carrying fat in their lower half I would add in some Yohimbine as well.
Johnny was more than happy considering that he now had his girls as the main “Features” in the hottest strip clubs from Toronto to Niagara to Windsor. They were clocking some serious coin not only from being the main attractions at all the strip clubs but their after hour work of escorting high end rich clients also payed off. After the first 6 months of working with Johnny he wanted to have a meeting with me.
So we met up at my office to go over everything. He let me know that he was planning to bring in another 20 girls from different areas and was wondering if I would be willing to let go of my contest prep clients and focus purely on his venture. I was hesitant because I really liked prepping athletes and helping them earn their IFBB Pro Cards. In fact it wasn’t about the money as I did well enough before Johnny came on board. I told him that I would think about it and needed time to ponder over his offer.
He then proceeded to pull out from his Burberry satchel bag a wrapped gift for me. He told me that no matter what my decision was this was a gift for doing such an amazing job over the last 6 months will all his ladies. I opened the small box to my surprise. He just gifted me a Rolex Daytona that was absolutely stunning. I couldn’t believe it as I never got a gift like this before that is for sure. This made it harder for me to say no to his offer because when someone is this good to me I really try and reciprocate any help they may need too.

The Best “Gift” a Client Ever Gave Me!
After two days I let Johnny know that I was in with him on his venture and that I would start letting my athletes know that I was retiring as a prep coach to focus full time on my new “Transform an Escort” adventure. I told him to give me a week to sort things out with my athletes and then we would start initial consultations with all the new girls.
Now just a few days later is when the shit hit the fan literally. Eduardo wasn’t just the muscle for Johnny but also the driver for all the girls. When debts needed to be paid, when girls complained of issues with clients, or any other drama, Eduardo got to put his freakish size and strength to work. In fact I remember him training one day at the gym where I had my office. I saw him take the 180 pound dumbbells and rep them out on the incline bench like they were 50’s He wasn’t just massive but strong as fuck as well.

Local Pimps were Not Happy With Johnny Cutting into their Biz!
So you must be wondering what happened eh? Well Eduardo went to go pick up some girls that called him from a bachelor party and of course there was an issue with a couple of the guys not wanting to pay once they were done. I wasn’t there so I don’t know every detail but it looks like he laid the smack down on a few of these non paying gentlemen, when another guy from the party ends up pulling out a Glock and shot him twice. One in the abdomen, and one in the shoulder. This obviously drew attention from all the ruckus and the police and ambulance arrived taking big Eduardo to the hospital.
He survived the ordeal but there was much more to the story. It looks like Johnny also had some major issues going down with some of the local pimps that would work the strip club scene. They weren’t too happy that he had control of all the high end girls which made their fat out of shape ho’s subpar at best. To make matters worse one of the newer girls that started working for him was the “property” of some psycho that just got out of jail who just did a bid for 12 years for manslaughter. Now this guy and his crew was looking for Johnny and with Eduardo still recovering in the hospital he didn’t have any back up to keep things rolling. He lost his main enforcer and couldn’t maintain everything on his own especially when he had disgruntled pimps and now a murderer on his back.
In this one week where I was supposed to get everything sorted out on my end and let my athletes go, a shit storm tsunami ravaged everything around me. Johnny left town without even sending me a text or a call. I saw Eduardo when he got out of the hospital and explained how everything came down. He explained about what happened with him that fateful night along with info about this guy that was hunting Johnny.
Even all the girls stopped showing up for their training sessions. When I would call them trying to find out more info they wouldn’t take my calls. In an instant Johnny’s dream to keep expanding his business seemed to disappear. Believe it or not but that was the last time I ever heard from him. Even all the other people I knew that were friends with Johnny knew nothing. He simply vanished into thin air. His phone was out of service and even his condo that I went to several times was vacated. In an instant the promising business I had with Johnny came to an end. It was a good thing I didn’t let go of all my athletes before things went haywire because I would have been left picking up more pieces.

The Anabolic Sensei Created some Real Stunners!
So here you have it folks. Another one of the Anabolic Coach’s adventures that didn’t have a happy ending. Till this day I never heard from Johnny or Eduardo. It is like they disappeared to avoid getting popped either by his enemies or the cops. I said cops as well because I had a constable come down to my gym asking what I knew about the current situation with the shooting and I just kept my mouth shut. Fuck that noise I am not a rat. I will say that was one exciting year though. It just didn’t end on a high note that is for sure. I have a ton more stories related to this time period but I will have to save them for another time. So the next time you see a stripper or escort that looks like a pro level competitor just remember the Anabolic Coach pioneered this over a decade ago!