So one of my athletes asked me if he could send me one of his close friends that wanted to get some injectable Winstrol. I told him that if he is solid and you are vouching for him then send him over for me to vet. That way if I liked him I would help him and if I found him to be a clown I would tell him sorry I can’t help you.
So his buddy ended up being a rich dentist that trained at our same gym. I met him and at the time the guy seemed a little flashy but a lot of people in this particular area like to show boat all the time so I just chalked it up to another show off. He was a short little shit, who definitely had a Napoleon complex without a doubt. Anyways he asked me if I could get him 100 ampoules of Zambon Winstrol from Spain. Now you have to realize this is going back over 15 years ago as they are no longer in production at this time. I told him a price which was very good due to the high quality reputation the Zambon company had in the anabolic arena. I hooked him up with a source, and he seemed happy with me at the time.
The next day he smugly texts me to to tell me he found a cheaper source and decided to go somewhere else. When I asked him how much cheaper he told me a $1 each. I was like are you a retard or what? You dropped this order and burned a bridge with me cause I would never deal with this ungrateful shitbag ever again all to save a stinking dollar on each amp. Plus it wasn’t that this guy was some poor gym rat trying to live off tuna and rice because he was broke. This scumbag drove a Maserati and blew money all over town on hookers and blow. I rampaged on my athlete for sending me such an ungrateful degenerate as I clearly have a rule with my athletes that once you vouch for someone then they better be solid.

Zambon Winstrol Amps were Highly Counterfeited Years Back!
Anyways a few days later I got news that made me laugh my ass right off. I came to find out from my athlete that the amps of Winstrol that this rich dentist bought turned out to be fake. When they tried to draw it out of the amp with a syringe it started bubbling and foaming up which should not happen. They knew something was off so he put some on his finger and it felt silky almost oily. Then my athlete tasted it. Winstrol has a distinct taste and even injectable Winstrol can be used orally so there was no issues here to do that.
Now the taste came back with soapy fragrant feel. They put two and two together and realized whoever made these fake amps put Dove liquid soap in them. They did this because it is white like Winstrol but when you give them to someone that knows that to look out for then it will fail the test of authenticity. When I heard this I was hysterical. This guy just paid over $1800 for some fake Zambon Winstrol amps that were loaded with soap.

His “Cheaper” Winstrol was in Fact Dove Hand Soap
He never even tried injecting it because my athlete was with him when he opened the amp. But if he was alone he most likely would have pinned it which would not have been a good idea. So this rich dentist came back to me wanting me to hook him up with a source again. I refused to help him with getting the real Winstrol that he so badly wanted. He threw a little hissy fit like a little bitch.
So the moral of the story here folks is don’t bite the hand that feeds you. When you burn a bridge especially with someone that willing to help you, then you maybe shit out of luck when you have a need.

Can You Spot the Real and Fake Zambon’s?
Now the next story is the one that is a little scary. This one is about a guy named Mike that worked at the gym in a different department. I talked with him a few times but really wasn’t close with him. He seemed a little snooty so I had no interest with trying to become friends of any sort. Anyways he was prepping for a contest and running Winstrol at this time is a “Must Have” for most competitors. So what I found out was that he found a new source for his gear and got some Winstrol injectables from him. Yes they were supposed to be Zambon as well. But what you have to realize is that during this time in history, fake Zambon amps were rampant. This is because the real ones were very expensive and in super high demand because of their amazing reputation.
So as the story goes Mike pinned some of the fake Winstrol in his tricep. Many bodybuilders will site inject water based suspension steroids to help bring up lagging body parts. Well after he pinned both of them he started getting a burning sensation in the muscle and even his skin. It got worse and worse to the point he went to the emergency. By the time he got there he was feeling really sick too with a fever and getting dizzy.
Now this is not going to happen when you inject real Winstrol but at this point Mikey boy realized that what he just injected wasn’t real and now worried what was happening to him. He told everyone that he felt like he got poisoned. When he got to the doctor they ran a bunch of tests on him and by this time his skin started peeling off all around his arm. He actually narrowly escaped death from this whole ordeal and was lucky that he went to the emergency as fast as he did. They analyzed what was in another amp that he brought with him and they found out it was not Winstrol at all but was….drumroll…Armour All.

Counterfeiters Put Tire Cleaner in Fake Amps
Yea no lie folks Mikey here just injected a car cleaning product in his triceps. No wonder he was feeling poisoned and so ill. Not to mention that it actually burned his skin all over the bicep and tricep. He looked like a burn patient when it all healed up. Which again ruined his bodybuilding career cause no judge is going to place you well when your arms look disfigured. I know it may sound mean but that is bodybuilding politics folks.

This is What Mikey’s Arm Looked Like After Injecting Counterfeits
So as you can see from the above two real life scenarios that I witnessed personally, you need to really be able to trust your source. I have said this time and time again. If you can’t trust where your supplier is getting his gear from you are setting yourself up to get ripped off with fakes or shitty underground, under dosed gear. Or even worse you will get sick with abscesses or even worse due to it being contaminated with who knows what.
Maybe you should all think of that the next time you want to order steroids off the internet or some gym retard approaches you trying to sell you his bathtub brew. Take it from me, who has seen it all over the last three plus decades. Find a high quality source you can truly trust and then stick with them. Don’t be floating around like a whore buying off this guy and that guy always looking for a better price. I guarantee you will regret it sooner or later. Just because you may have not gotten bitten yet, that abscess or other major health issue is right around the corner. When you play Russian roulette with you sourcing and then ultimately with your health, nothing good will come of it that is for 100% sure!