A bodybuilder by the name of Dalwara Singh was facing some serious marital issues. Married to his wife for 17 years, they had two children together. Over time, their relationship became strained, and rumors even suggested that she might have been unfaithful. True or not, it seems Dalwara had reached his limit and decided to take a rather unusual course of action.
Dalwara, an avid bodybuilder with a penchant for steroids, came up with a plan that was certainly unique. He began secretly grinding up anabolic steroid tablets and slipping them into his wife’s food. Instead of opting for milder steroids, he went straight for the potent ones like Anadrol and Dianabol, known for their significant impact on the body.

Dalwara Spiked Her Food with Anadrol
He didn’t start her off gently either. His goal was to make her experience the most severe side effects, which can be quite pronounced in women. These included acne, hair loss on the head, hair growth on the face and body, a deepened voice, increased body odor, and changes in physical appearance such as a more pronounced jawline. It was a drastic and controversial move, to say the least.
The plot unraveled when their 16-year-old daughter overheard Dalwara preparing the steroid-laced food. Upon investigation, Mrs. Singh discovered his stash and confronted him. Their daughter eventually reported the situation to the police, leading to Dalwara’s arrest.
In court, her lawyer argued that Dalwara’s actions were meant to control and oppress his wife. She shared her distress over the physical changes she was experiencing, which included hair loss and unexpected hair growth in unwanted places.

Definitely Not a Bollywood Love Story Ending!
Dalwara defended himself, claiming he was embarrassed and ashamed of his actions. Despite the severity of the situation, he avoided jail time but was fined and put on probation. He also had to attend domestic abuse therapy sessions, while his wife obtained a restraining order against him.
Reflecting on this bizarre turn of events, one might speculate that Dalwara’s true intent was more about revenge than anything else. Regardless, this unusual chapter in their lives left a lasting impact on both of them.
In the end, Dalwara’s bodybuilding pursuits continue, and his ex-wife, though changed, moves forward with her life. It’s a story that raises eyebrows and perhaps even elicits a chuckle, but it’s also a stark reminder of the complexities and extremes that can arise in troubled relationships.