A Shocking Tale
Approximately 15 to 18 years ago, I was engaged in employment with a prestigious supplements corporation renowned for its sponsorship of high-profile professional bodybuilders. My primary responsibility was to cater to the needs of the athletes when they were in town, including organizing their meals, accommodation, and the provision of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) – while ensuring no illegal substances were involved.
One particularly renowned athlete came to town – let’s refer to him as ‘Zeta’ for anonymity. Following Zeta’s arrival, I dropped him off at his hotel and ensured a pre-arranged meal prep service had his meals ready for the next few days. His photo shoot, scheduled in two days, was all set, except he was missing his Anabolics.
Due to the legal implications of bringing their gear with them from the States, we always advised athletes to leave everything to us. Steroids are not illegal in Canada for personal use. Zeta, a big player in the bodybuilding arena during the 90s and early 2000s, had an impressive career with numerous wins and appearances on magazine covers from Flex to Musclemag to Ironman.

The Secret Pro was on the MuscleMag Cover Many Times
(Not This Guy Though)
When I asked what he wanted for the week, he requested the following:
- 5 bottles of Testosterone Cypionate
- 3 Bottles of EQ
- 1 Serostim GH Kit
- 100 tabs Halotestin
- 200 tabs Winstrol
- 3 bottles of Trenbolone Acetate
Injecting Steroids Like Basting a Turkey!
I was a bit taken aback by the size of the order, considering Zeta would only be staying for eight days. Regardless, I gathered the supplies from our provider, along with a box of 100 syringes, and delivered it to him. Zeta had ordered 10cc syringe bodies – much larger than the usual 3cc or 5cc preferred by most.
Then came an unusual request from Zeta – he wanted me to assist him with the injections in his rear deltoids. A bit unnerved, but I agreed. He proceeded to fill two syringes – one with 10cc of Testosterone Cypionate, and the other with 10cc of EQ. I was taken aback, but his words reassured me, “It’s not all about egg whites and creatine, pal.”

Here is what a 10cc Syringe Looks Like
The first injection went smoothly, but the second one went south when Zeta started coughing uncontrollably, collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. To my horror, I realized the second syringe was not Testosterone but Tren Acetate – a whopping 750mg dose. After a few terrifying moments, Zeta recovered and to my surprise, asked me to proceed with the other injection.
During the week, Zeta handled his own shots, while I was responsible for driving him to and from photo shoots, ensuring his meals, supplements, and other necessities were taken care of. On the last day, when I was driving Zeta to the airport, I noticed empty bottles of Winstrol and Halotestin on the nightstand – he had consumed 200 tabs of Winstrol and 100 tabs of Halotestin in just eight days.
Santa isn’t Real

During the drive, Zeta pulled out some remaining gear. I cautioned him about taking it on the flight, but he replied, “I’m not letting this go to waste,” and proceeded to consume the remaining 30-35cc of the product by injecting himself in each quad and each glute.
At that moment, I was astounded, but Zeta just smiled at my shock. He said, “If you want to be the best, you have to be willing to push limits that others won’t believe are real. The best bodybuilders aren’t just those with the best genetics; they’re those who can tolerate the most drugs without falling ill.”
That day, my understanding of professional bodybuilding changed forever. Zeta’s words and actions revealed a side of this industry that is darker and more intense than most could ever fathom. It was like realizing Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Since then, I’ve understood that the lesser-known aspects of professional bodybuilding go beyond most people’s wildest imaginations.